I met a group of eight women, all who had experienced a diagnosis of Lobular breast cancer and who were planning to embark on a 5 day walk, across mountains that were named after breasts. I was sold. Their energy was infectious, their honesty and humour was truly inspiring. Our film ‘Tits Up’ was born. We wanted to make a non-traditional film about cancer, a film that focused on laughter, friendship and strength. The power of being in nature and of human connection. We ended up making a shorter version of the film that we’d initially hoped (documentary funding is HARD!) but thanks to the amazing team at After Party Studios, we were able to create a wonderful short film documenting the women on their training weekend in Snowdonia National Park in March.



Production Company

Executive Producers


Director of Photography

Camera Assistant

Sound Recordist

Production Assistant


Colour Producer

Sound Designer & Original Music

Edie Amos

Jamie MacDonald

After Party Studios

Joshua Barnett & Ben Doyle

Shaquilla Alexander

Carmen Pellon

Laura Aguilera

Chris Pramthai

Tara Doolabh

Jax Harney

Franky Chadwick

JJ Mitchell